Full name: Wei Huang
Position: Visting Phd student
Nationality: Chinese
Career: 2012 – 2013 Msc. in University of Leeds
2014 – 2018 Phd. in Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
1.W. Huang, L. K. Ang, E. Kyoseva. Shortcut to adiabatic light transfer in waveguide couplers with a sign flip in the phase mismatch. Under review at Physical Review A. arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.05507.
2.W. Huang, S. Liang and L.K. Ang, Adiabatic control of surface plasmon polaritons in a 3-layers graphene curved configuration. Carbon, 127 (2018) 178-192.
3.W. Huang, S. Liang, E. Kyoseva and L.K. Ang. Ultrafast electron switching device based on graphene electron coupler. semiconductor science and technology, 33, 035014 (2018).
4.W. Huang, B.W. Shore, A. Rangelov and E. Kyoseva. Adiabatic following for a three-state quantum system. Optics Communications 382 (2017): 196-200.
5.E. Dimova, W. Huang, G. Popkirov, A. Rangelov and E. Kyoseva. Broadband and ultra-broadband modular half-wave plates. Optics Communications 366 (2016): 382-385.
6.W. Huang, A. Rangelov and E. Kyoseva. (2014). Complete achromatic optical switching between two waveguides with a sign flip of the phase mismatch. Physical Review A, 90(5), 053837.