Alexey Pyrkov



JREX Research fellow

Russian Federation

Desk S1b-5, Room 1410, National Institute of Informatics
2009  Ph.D., Institute of problems of chemical physics RAS (Russia)
2005 Bachelor Sc., Voronezh State University (Russia)
Selected publications
  1. S. I. Doronin, A. N. Pyrkov, E. B. Fel’dman “Entanglement in Alternating Open Chains of Nuclear Spins s=1/2 with the XY-Hamiltonian”, JETP Letters, 85, 519 (2007).
  2. S. I. Doronin, A. N. Pyrkov, E. B. Fel’dman “Entanglement of the spin pairs in Alternating Open Chains of Nuclear Spins s=1/2 with the XY-Hamiltonian”, JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS,  105,  953-961 (2007).
  3. E. B. Fel’dman,  A. N. Pyrkov “Evolution of spin entanglement and an entanglement witness in multiple-quantum NMR experiments”,  JETP Letters, 88, 398 (2008).
  4. S.I. Doronin, E.B. Fel’dman, M.M. Kucherov, A. N. Pyrkov “Entanglement of systems of dipolar coupled nuclear spins at the adiabatic demagnetization”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Vol. 21, 025601 (2009).
  5. E.B. Fel’dman, A.N. Pyrkov, A.I. Zenchuk, “Solid-state multiple quantum NMR in quantum information processing: exactly solvable models”,  Philosophical Transactions A (accepted).