
If you are interesting in learning the fundamentals of quantum atom optics, you may be interested in reading our book “Quantum Atom Optics: Theory and Applications to Quantum Technology” published by Cambridge University Press (2021).

The contents are as follows

Foreword by Jonathan P. Dowling
1 Quantum Many-Body Systems
2 Bose–Einstein Condensation
3 The Order Parameter and Gross–Pitaevskii Equation
4 Spin Dynamics of Atoms
5 Spinor Bose–Einstein Condensates
6 Diffraction of Atoms Using StandingWave Light
7 Atom Interferometry
8 Atom Interferometry Beyond the Standard Quantum Limit
9 Quantum Simulation
10 Entanglement Between Atom Ensembles
11 Quantum Information Processing with Atomic Ensembles

The final published version can be downloaded for free by most university subscriptions from the Cambridge University Press site here.

Or if you are happy with the unproofread version, the arxiv version is available here. The arxiv version has colour figures and is hyperlinked throughout.